Village Hall Grants

A funding scheme is available from Defra to provide support for the modernisation and improvement of village halls in England. Works undertaken or scheduled to take place can include new roofs, insulation, extensions, and more energy efficient heating systems. Also smaller projects such as disability access, toilet upgrades and new kitchens.

Grant awards of between £2,000 to £5,000, and up to 20 per cent of eligible project costs, are on offer. Project expenditure must take place before 31 March 2025.

The scheme will remain open during 2024 until available funding is fully allocated. More information here.

Case Studies

  • Man using a cutting machine

    Israel Newton and Sons Ltd

    A £3,680 has helped towards the cost of new cutting machine for this specialist engineering company.

  • Banner for Wasp brand

    R Silcock Ltd

    A £2,781 Business Adaptation Grant helped this Ashbourne-based sportwear manufacturer’s marketing activities.

  • The Clayrooms

    A £6,764 Business Adaptation Grant has helped this Ashbourne-based pottery studio to diversify the business.

More Case Studies

Help for Your Business

Starting Your Business

When setting up your own business, preparation is key - we're here to provide guidance and signposting to ensure you are well equipped to deal with the journey ahead. Get the information you may need when starting up and running your business, as well as further advice and useful links.

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Running Your Business

Setting up and running a business can be a challenge but help is on hand from Derbyshire Dales District Council and others to help make the journey as painless as possible. Established businesses can get help directly from our business adviser and many other useful resources.

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Growing Your Business

Once your business is well-established and profitable you may want to grow and expand it further. If you are not satisfied with maintaining your current operation and want to increase your market share, and profits, you'll need to develop a solid strategy for business growth.

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Funding Your Business

Whether you are looking to launch a start-up, expand your current business, or become more resource efficient, you will most likely need some financial support. Business funding can come in many forms and we are ideally placed to advise you on the latest and most suitable options.

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